Prosthetics are devices that can be either fixed or removable, and we use them to replace missing teeth. This is important, because missing teeth do not only affect our appearance, but also put the functionality of our natural denture at risk. Dental prosthetics are generally made of porcelain or acrylic and held together thanks to an acrylic base.
Fixed Dental Prosthesis and Its Advantages
The permanent dental prosthesis is one we can attach directly to a tooth, provided the stumps are strong to support the load. Implants can also support them, such as the case of some dental crowns. These implants can hold from a single crown to a fixed full-arch prosthesis. They are previously fixed in the jaws so the prosthesis is onto them.
A fixed denture is the most pleasant option for patients. It allows you to recover the full functionality of your mouth, and imitates the feeling of natural teeth very well. This is because implants are as sturdy as the roots of teeth are, and because we make the crowns placed on top of them as close to the appearance of a natural tooth as we can.
Removable Dental Prosthesis and Its Advantages
The removable dental prosthesis is one that we can take off and put on as many times as we want. This is one of the first prosthetic systems ever created; and thanks to current technological advances, it presents a much more discreet appearance. Currently, there are even implant-based prostheses that are removable.
Removable dentures are best for people who are in the process of having a permanent one, serving as a transition method. They are much cheaper than fixed ones, and they are also an excellent alternative for those people who, for different reasons, are not suitable for having a fixed one. Please contact us today if you want more information to decide which method is best for you.