How Often Should You Change Out the Head of Your Electric Toothbrush?
Posted on 9/6/2021 by Summit Dental Group
When you have an electric toothbrush, you need to switch out the head as frequently as you switch out your manual toothbrush. The following information will give you some of the guidelines to follow.
Changing Your Electric Toothbrush Head
You should switch out the head on your electric toothbrush every 12 weeks (3 months) to maintain healthy gums and teeth. The bristles on an electric toothbrush often rotate at a fast pace. So, you need to make sure the bristles do not lose their cleaning efficiency. That is why it is essential to switch out the head every three months, or before then, if the bristles appear twisted, mangled, or frayed.
Worn Toothbrush Heads Do Not Clean Plaque as Well
Typically, if you use your electric toothbrush for 40 days straight, the bristles will begin to flare, making the toothbrush less efficient. If you do not replace your brush at this time, you will experience more plaque buildup and eventual problems with decay or gum disease. Therefore, switching out your toothbrush head when it appears worn is paramount to good dental health and the prevention of cavities and gum disease.
Some Facts to Keep in Mind about Electric Toothbrush Heads
Electric toothbrush heads are designed to clean teeth quickly by rotating or vibrating over the surface of the teeth. Because the heads usually have nylon bristles, they can wear away pretty fast from this kind of use. The bristles are also shorter than what they are on a manual toothbrush. This means that the toothbrush heads fray faster as well.
Switching Your Children's Toothbrush Head
Children can be more aggressive when using an electric toothbrush. Often, they will play with the toothbrush and may mash it. Therefore, you may need to change the toothbrush head sooner. Also, when your child uses an electric toothbrush, make sure he or she is not exposing the brush to another surface besides their gums and teeth.
In addition, you should change your toothbrush head immediately if someone else in your family mistakenly uses it. You can always give us a call when you wish to schedule a professional cleaning and exam. Count on us to support you in your efforts toward healthier gums and teeth.
Summit Dental Group, 9121 Illinois Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46804 ~ 260-297-7081 ~ ~ 1/21/2025 ~ Associated Words: dentist Fort Wayne IN ~