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Home Dental Blog Ice Can Lead to Tooth and Gum Damage if You Chew It

Ice Can Lead to Tooth and Gum Damage if You Chew It

Posted on 7/26/2021 by Summit Dental Group
Ice Can Lead to Tooth and Gum Damage if You Chew ItIce can be very tempting due to its cooling effect. The habit of chewing on it is common, especially in the hot months of summer. Unfortunately, chewing on ice can damage your teeth and gums, just like other hard foods. Here are the dental implications of chewing on ice, with some of them leading to tooth loss.

Chipped or Cracked Teeth

Ice is an extremely hard substance, and biting into it applies excessive pressure on your teeth. When the force is unbearable, your teeth can chip or break. Also, having a chipped tooth can cause great discomfort, especially if you use it often. If you have a chipped tooth, come to our offices for immediate treatment.

Damages the Enamel

The enamel is the outer layer of your tooth that protects it from bacterial intrusion. As much as the enamel is the hardest tissue in your body, it can break when exposed to excessive pressure. Biting on ice increases such risks and could cause severe damage to your enamel. With a damaged enamel, the underlying dentin is exposed, increasing the risk of tooth sensitivity. With tooth sensitivity, you will experience sharp pain when you drink hot or cold beverages.

Tooth Decay and Cavities

Chewing on ice can lead to dental conditions like tooth decay and cavities. This is because it damages the enamel that protects your teeth against bacteria. Once it is damaged, bacteria will easily enter your tooth and cause decay. If the condition is not treated on time, it will advance and lead to tooth loss. This is why you need to come to our offices immediately you notice early symptoms of tooth decay.

Gum Disease

Chewing on ice will cause conditions that can lead to gum disease. Conditions like tooth decay caused by chewing on ice can spread bacteria to your gums and cause gum disease. Contact our offices for more information on the effects of chewing on ice.
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