An extensive spectrum of procedures tackling different oral and dental problems are included in oral surgery. Oral surgeons, who concentrate on the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the mouth, jaws, and facial features, usually carry out these procedures.
Extractions of Teeth
When restorative procedures cannot save a tooth that is decayed, impaired, or impacted, dental extractions are carried out. To treat impacted third molars, which can be painful and complicated, wisdom teeth extraction is also a standard procedure.
Putting Dental Implants On
Artificial tooth roots are implanted during dental implant surgery to support dental prosthetics like crowns, bridges, and dentures. With this procedure, missing teeth are replaced, oral function is restored, and the appearance is improved.
Orthodontic Jaw Surgery
Malocclusions, misalignments of the jaw, and other structural problems influencing the jaw and facial proportions are treated by orthodontic surgery. The goals of the procedure are to enhance oral health, facial aesthetics, and bite function.
Grafting Bones
To replace and rejuvenate the lost bone in the jaw, bone grafting procedures entail transplanting bone tissue. This method is frequently used to increase the stability of dental implants and give different dental restorations enough bone support.
TMJ Disorders
TMJ disorders impact the surrounding muscles and jaw joints, and oral surgeons are qualified to identify and treat them. Significant instances of TMJ dysfunction may be treated with surgical procedures like arthrocentesis or arthroscopy.
Visit Our Office Today
Modern advances in oral surgery have made it possible to treat various conditions, improve patient quality of life, and provide cosmetic and functional improvements to the smile. If necessary, prioritizing dental health and contemplating these operations can result in a healthier, happier face. Contact us if you are considering oral surgery so we can advise you and help you make the best decision for your oral needs.
Summit Dental Group, 9121 Illinois Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46804 | 260-297-7081 | | 1/21/2025 | Related Terms: dentist Fort Wayne IN |