It's in the evening, and you are already tired and want to reward yourself with a snack. Plus, you may need something to keep you energized during the remaining hours of the day. While you may be tempted to eat those sweet candies, potato chips, or your favorite snack, snacking can put your oral health at risk.
Here Is How Snacking Can Affect Your Oral Health
The mouth is neither under nor over-acidic. It has a neutral P.H. level. Snacking too often may mean an acidic environment. Most snacks are high in sugar. When you consume them, oral bacteria break them down, producing acids. Even though saliva and rinsing your mouth with water helps to neutralize the mouth PH level, snacking too often can increase the acid levels. When acids remain in the mouth, they destroy the enamel, putting you at risk of cavities.
How to Prevent Oral Damage after Snacking
Breaking the habit of snacking can be challenging. However, you can prevent damaging your oral health by cleaning your teeth regularly. Be sure to brush and floss before going to bed, as this is the best time for bacteria to produce waste that can damage the enamel. Take time when brushing and be gentle on your gums and enamel. Consider a fluoride toothpaste to put back the minerals lost during demineralization.
Remember to snack smart. Why do you snack? Is boredom or stress the main cause of your frequent snacking? When you get an answer as to why you snack, you will be able to find a solution. For instance, you can look for ways to manage stress or boredom to prevent this habit. If you must eat something to avoid starving between meals, be sure to consider healthy items such as fruits and raw vegetables. Visit us and learn how to break the habit of snacking.